
Genre: Action/Drama
Starring: Forest Whitaker, James McAvoy
The Last King of Scotland is a true life story based on a Ugandan dictator Idi Amin (Whitaker). A Scottish doctor, Nicholar Gariggan (McAvoy) comes to Uganda in hopes that he can do some good to mankind and to the country. The newly appointed President-Dictator, Amin loves Scotland and takes a liking for Nicholas and appoints him as his personal doctor. Things don't really turn out for Nicholas the way he had hoped for and he gets caught in betrayal and dirty politics and is forced to hatch a plot to murder his patient and flee the country. An enticing tale with superb acting by Whitaker. His Oscar for best actor is truly deserving.
Rating: 8.5/10
Starring: Forest Whitaker, James McAvoy
The Last King of Scotland is a true life story based on a Ugandan dictator Idi Amin (Whitaker). A Scottish doctor, Nicholar Gariggan (McAvoy) comes to Uganda in hopes that he can do some good to mankind and to the country. The newly appointed President-Dictator, Amin loves Scotland and takes a liking for Nicholas and appoints him as his personal doctor. Things don't really turn out for Nicholas the way he had hoped for and he gets caught in betrayal and dirty politics and is forced to hatch a plot to murder his patient and flee the country. An enticing tale with superb acting by Whitaker. His Oscar for best actor is truly deserving.
Rating: 8.5/10