
Genre: Animation/Comedy/Action/Drama
Starring (Voiceovers): John Travolta, Miley Cyrus, Susie Essman, Mark Walton
Superdog Bolt (Travolta) has all the powers, and can turn anything that comes in his way to dust. From fighting crime, to beating up bad guys, he does it all. However, he dosent know one thing, the life he's living is not for real. Penny (Cyrus) his owner, features in a television series alongside him where they go around fighting evil and saving mankind. Bolt, being a dog has been trained to live this life as if it were real and has never been exposed to the real, harsh world. His paradise life takes a u-turn when one day he finds himself outside the confines of his protected sanctuary and gotten transported from LA to NY. He needs to get back home to Penny and along with a cat , Mittens (Essman) and a hamster, Rhino (Walton) they have a journey of a life-time. The story after a while becomes predictable, but that is quite ok, considering its meant to target children and not matured adults.
Rating: 7.1/10