
Genre: Drama/Adventure
Starring: Emile Hirsch, Catherine Keener, Jena Malone, Vince Vaughn, Hal Halbrook, Marcia Gay Harden, William Hurt, Brian Dierker
Why do we have to work? To earn money. Why do we need money? To live a luxurious life. Why do we need a luxurious life? To keep ourselves happy. Does happiness necessarily come from money? To get out of this vicious circle of life, Chris McCandless aka Alexander Supertramp (Hirsch) leaves his family after graduation to live a life of his own. A life he had dreamed of, an adventure. Career, money, job, that's all in the mind and is something which we are forced to do and not do it by choice, is what Chris says. Travelling down the Grand Canyon, living with gypsies, harvesting crop on a farm, he lead his life the way he wished. His final choice was to go to Alaska and come back and write a book about all his adventures. The movie is slow but is not unexciting as it may sound. There is a lot of narration by Chris' sister Carine (Malone) who remembers her brother and Chris himself on life and how we should find happiness elsewhere. One needs to look deep if any meaning is to be understood from the movie. It is something that may not appeal to a wide audience, but yet a highly recommended watch. You need to give the movie time before you can appreciate it. A tragic and touching end. Based on a true story.
Rating: 7.5/10