
Genre: Action/Crime/Comedy
Starring: Will Smith, Martin Lawrence, Jordi Molla, Gabrielle Union
Not in sequence with the previous movie, Mike (Smith) and Marcus (Lawrence) are cops belonging to the Tactical Narcotics Team of the Miami Police Department. Drug lord Johnny Tapia (Molla) is transporting drugs from Cuba in dead bodies and coffins and the cop duo have to bust his racket. Only this time, Marcus' sister Syd (Union) turns out to be an undercover cop working for the DEA who is also on the tail of Johnny Tapia. The movie is filled with the same black humour, and seems to carry forward the same style and rhythm that prevailed in the earlier movie in spite of having an 8 year gap between them. There is more adrenaline rushing action this time, which seems to play a more important role, rather than having a sensible story line. Considering the amount of cars they've trashed, buildings blasted and people killed, they look more apt for the SWAT team rather than an anti-narcotic team. A definite improvement over the earlier movie, but still way past the mark.
Rating: 7.0/10
Starring: Will Smith, Martin Lawrence, Jordi Molla, Gabrielle Union
Not in sequence with the previous movie, Mike (Smith) and Marcus (Lawrence) are cops belonging to the Tactical Narcotics Team of the Miami Police Department. Drug lord Johnny Tapia (Molla) is transporting drugs from Cuba in dead bodies and coffins and the cop duo have to bust his racket. Only this time, Marcus' sister Syd (Union) turns out to be an undercover cop working for the DEA who is also on the tail of Johnny Tapia. The movie is filled with the same black humour, and seems to carry forward the same style and rhythm that prevailed in the earlier movie in spite of having an 8 year gap between them. There is more adrenaline rushing action this time, which seems to play a more important role, rather than having a sensible story line. Considering the amount of cars they've trashed, buildings blasted and people killed, they look more apt for the SWAT team rather than an anti-narcotic team. A definite improvement over the earlier movie, but still way past the mark.
Rating: 7.0/10