Genre: Fantasy/Science-fiction/War/Comedy/Drama
Starring: George Clooney, Ewan McGregor, Jeff Bridges, Kevin Spacey
During the Vietnam War, a United States Army soldier, Bill Django (Bridges) gained enlightenment on how to make war more peaceful. His teachings and trainings taught soldiers how to use their minds more effectively, which in turn led to the foundation of The New World Army. The army developed psychic soldiers aka super soldiers aka Jedi warriors who could use their minds to higher degree than normal humans. Lyn Cassidy (Clooney) went on to become one of the most powerful of these Jedi Warriors, much to the envy of co-soldier Larry Hooper (Spacey). Years later, a failed journalist, Bob Wilton (McGregor) decides to go and cover the Iraq war in a hope to redeem his life and prove to the world that he is not a failure. He stumbles across Cassidy and accompanies him on a secret mission of whose objective and location is not known to Cassidy. The movie has a very typical George Clooney humour and is the only reason one must watch it. There is no real end objective to the movie. In spite of the impressive star cast, it feels empty and you really don't know what point it is driving at. Performances are probably the only highlight, especially George Clooney's and apart from that, there isn't anything else in the movie. Only for Clooney fans.
Thumbs up: Mr. Clooney
Thumbs down: Plot
Rating: 6.9/10