Genre: Documentary
Starring: (various)
The MPAA (Motion Pictures Association of America) and its long serving president, Jack Valenti implemented a ratings system on Hollywood movies in order to curb mature movies from being openly screened. This ratings system did not go down well with Hollywood directors because of its secret and non-transparent feature. Films were supposedly watched by ordinary parents of children aged 3-7 years who rate movies and decide whether the movie is appropriate for children to watch. Movies which get rated NC-17 don't go down well with the director since children below 17 cannot watch those movies and they lose their core movie-watching audience. The MPAA members are heads of the worlds largest media corporations and accusations of bias in ratings in favour of these corporations has been alleged. Kirby Dick, the director of this movie tries to dig deep and reveal the profile of the raters and bring out the truth whether the MPAA is actually doing what it set out to do and what it claims to do. The movie reveals quite a few secrets about the film industry and 'the liberal and free America' quickly appears to become conservative and shy. Probably everyone associated with the movie industry should watch this, perhaps to learn something new or get a fresh perspective.
Thumbs up: Reveals a lot of unknown secrets
Thumbs down: Being a documentary there wasn't much to pick up as flaws
Rating: 6.8/10