Genre: Comedy/Drama/Romance
Starring: Luke Wilson, Will Ferrell, Vince Vaughn, Jeremy Piven, Ellen Pompeo
Three friends are hating their age and want to get back to their wild and youthful days. Mitch (Wilson) broke up with his girlfriend when he came to know that she was having sex with random people. Frank (Ferrell) recently got married and cant handle the new responsibility and Beanie (Vaughn) just simply hates his life. Mitch moves into a new house on a college campus but the new Dean of Students, Dean Pritchard (Piven) holds a long grudge against the three of them and tries to get them evicted. In order to be legally allowed to stay on campus, Beanie decides to start a fraternity of misfits and makes Mitch the fraternity godfather. From 18 year-olds to 89 year-olds, everyone wants to be a part of this new wild fraternity, much to the dislike of Dean Pritchard. There are thousands of ways of doing a sex-comedy wrong and only a few methods to get it right. Thankfully, this movie has followed the correct path to produce a hilarious and entertaining movie, just like what the doctor ordered.
Thumbs up: Great comedy, good fun
Thumbs down: Should have left out the romance bit
Rating: 7.0/10