Genre: Comedy/Drama/Sports
Starring: Sean William Scott, Randy Quaid, Brando Eaton, Emilee Wallace, A.D. Miles
Most sex-comedies try to make a living out of the same limited objectives; show some stupidity along with unwanted nudity and this movie is no different. Gary Houseman (Scott) used to love the game of tennis but he felt that tennis never really loved him back and hence swore to give up the sport. After a failed tennis career, he became a high school janitor where he once again rubbed shoulders with his estranged sport which sparked his love once more. The tennis team was failing and wasn't getting anywhere and the tennis coach, Lew Tuttle (Quaid) appointed Gary to be the assistant coach after seeing his skills. With the subsequent death of Coach Tuttle, faculty member Steve Pimble (Miles) volunteered to head the tennis team although he knew nothing about the game. Gary and Steve now have the astronomical task on their heads to coach the tennis team and make them win the state champions, just as Coach Tuttle had set out to do. The sad part about the movie is that it had the enormous scope of being fun, but stupid jokes, scenes that don't contribute to the plot and tacky editing made sure that your fun time turns out to be not-so-fun. Sean William Scott and his acting was probably the only saving grace in the movie, had it been anyone else it would have been just worse. An average movie and don't expect fireworks.
Thumbs up: Sean William Scott
Thumbs down: Bad plot execution
Rating: 5.4/10