Starring: Monica Bellucci, Giuseppe Sulfaro, Luciano Federico, Pietro Notarianni
When a ravishing, young damsel enters the heart of thousands of men, young and old across entire Sicily, she indeed must have been something. Malena Scordia (Bellucci) is a goddess, who walks down the streets with every head turning, every nose picking up her smell, every set of male eyes visually undressing her and every set of female eyes visually beating and scarring her. Even though every man would die for her love, a young 12-year-old Renato Amoroso (Sulfaro) shows that he loves her and not lusts her like everyone else. He secretly watches her every move, watches her dress, her cook, her walk, her cry, her laugh and wishes with every passing day that he walk up to her but never has the courage to do so. With Mussolini announcing war against Britain and France, Malena's husband has gone to war to fight for Italy. With her husband away, the men become wolves and when they learn of his death they all became monsters. The movie fantastically portrays how society creates a demon and then blames the demon in the end for becoming one. It is a fabulous story of a young boy who learns of manhood and a young woman, learning the hardships of being far too beautiful. The movie is exquisite and very European, develops well and keeps you gripped for a very long time. Not too long, compact and brilliant and just what the doctor ordered for.
Thumbs up: Gorgeous Bellucci who does a lot without speaking a lot
Thumbs down: Nothing specific
Rating: 8.1/10