Genre: Romance/Drama
Starring: Channing Tatum, Amanda Seyfried, Richard Jenkins, Henry Thomas
Most romantic movies are too good to be true. Most movies have a twist towards the end due to which the relationship does not work out and its this very twist that determines the fate of the movie. A young soldier John Tyree (Tatum) is home on vacation and falls in love with a college student Savannah (Seyfried) over the summer. Savannah has to return to college and John needs to report to duty and they both promise to meet after a year. 9/11 happens and John is compelled to extend his duty and cancel leave and to serve his country. The young romance that happened over a year ago just over a couple of weeks, has blossomed to large levels over the regular exchange of letters. However, everything is too good to be true and disaster strikes. Like I send before, there always is a twist that determines the outcome of the movie. In this case, the twist was just simply lame. In fact the whole climax goes mostly unexplained and makes you wonder how that even happened and why would anyone do that. It comes across as stupid and irrational and kills the otherwise steady movie. Most of the movie is the normal blossoming of love between the two without getting too boring or too interesting. What entirely kills the movie is the final outcome. The movie is watchable for romance fans but it really wont touch you or make you go 'awwww...' towards the end.
Thumbs up: Good romance, easy watch
Thumbs down: Horrible climax
Rating: 5.2/10