Genre: Crime/Comedy/Drama
Starring: Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Matt Damon, Elliot Gould, Al Pacino, Ellen Barkin, Andy Garcia
Continuing the Oceans saga, comes Oceans Thirteen. The Oceans series of movies are quite famous for managing to conjunct crime with comedy which makes it a very entertaining watch. Reuben (Gould) is starting a casino in partnership with Willy Banks (Pacino). Banks manages to throw Reuben out of the partnership and doesn't return his share. Infuriated, Danny Ocean (Clooney) calls his team together which swear revenge against Banks. Falling a little short on funds, they approach their former rival Terry Benedict (Garcia) and ask him to fund him. Banks doom will in turn lead to Terry's win and hence he agrees the deal. What follows is the general planning and strategies and eventually the execution of the plan. The basic idea of a theft hasn't changed throughout the series and watching something similar happening the third time, isn't quite appealing. There weren't any major twists in the story at some point the planning looked a little far-fetched. The movie also lacks the one-liners and the sarcastic humour that the previous versions thrived on. To be watched only if your a die-hard Oceans fan, else it is quite avoidable.
Thumbs up: The George Clooney and Brad Pitt duo look fantastic
Thumbs down: Repititive and unexciting
Rating: 6.7/10
Starring: Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Matt Damon, Elliot Gould, Al Pacino, Ellen Barkin, Andy Garcia
Continuing the Oceans saga, comes Oceans Thirteen. The Oceans series of movies are quite famous for managing to conjunct crime with comedy which makes it a very entertaining watch. Reuben (Gould) is starting a casino in partnership with Willy Banks (Pacino). Banks manages to throw Reuben out of the partnership and doesn't return his share. Infuriated, Danny Ocean (Clooney) calls his team together which swear revenge against Banks. Falling a little short on funds, they approach their former rival Terry Benedict (Garcia) and ask him to fund him. Banks doom will in turn lead to Terry's win and hence he agrees the deal. What follows is the general planning and strategies and eventually the execution of the plan. The basic idea of a theft hasn't changed throughout the series and watching something similar happening the third time, isn't quite appealing. There weren't any major twists in the story at some point the planning looked a little far-fetched. The movie also lacks the one-liners and the sarcastic humour that the previous versions thrived on. To be watched only if your a die-hard Oceans fan, else it is quite avoidable.
Thumbs up: The George Clooney and Brad Pitt duo look fantastic
Thumbs down: Repititive and unexciting
Rating: 6.7/10