Genre: Action/Adventure/Fantasy/Science-fiction/Thriller
Starring: Harrison Ford, Kate Blachett, Shia LaBeouf, Karen Allen, Ray Winstone, John Hurt
Indiana Henry Jones (Ford) returns once again after a long gap of over a decade. Soviet troops, headed by Colonel Irina Spalko (Blanchett) infiltrate a secret US Military location to hunt for a strange object. They force Dr. Jones to assist them in this hunt after which he manages to escape. He is approached by a young lad, Mutt Williams (LaBeouf) who tells him that his old friend Oxley (Hurt) has gone missing after finding a crystal skull while looking for the city of Akator aka El Dorado. Oxley has left behind a trail of clues which are in Mutt's possession. The Soviets are looking for the clues and a person to interpret it and who better than Dr. Jones himself? The good part is that the movie withholds a lot of the old charm of the initial Indiana Jones movies. Although Harrison Ford looks too old to perform such insane stunts, he still manages to do them with near perfection. What the movies messes up in is the plot. Lot of things don't make sense and the plot is one big, huge mess. You know that something is happening but you got no idea what it is. The movie drops a subtle hint as to the next Indiana Jones and no, it does not appear that Mr. Ford is going to continue this job. An action-packed and thrilling entertainer with a useless plot.
Thumbs up: Great action
Thumbs down: Bad plot
Rating: 7.4/10