Genre: Drama/Romance/Crime
Starring: Kevin Spacey, Annette Bening, Thora Birch, Wes Bentley, Mena Suvari, Chris Cooper
The story of the typical American life. A middle-aged man who is fed up with work, his over-enthusiastic wife who is trying to build a career and a teenage daughter who is forever miffed with her parents. Lester Burham (Spacey) is tired of leading a repetitive life and realises that he might be thrown out of his company very soon. His wife, Carolyn (Bening) is a failing real-estate agent who is unable to make any sale and is determined to not take others' advice and prefers doing things her way. Their budding teenage daughter Jane (Birch) is irritated with her parents who try to be over-friendly with her in order to make her comfortable. Jane's best friend Angela (Suvari) thinks she is something else and tries to seduce Lester, much to the resentment of Jane. Ricky Fitts (Bentley) has newly moved into the neighbourhood and has a mentally unstable past. Jane and Ricky take a fonding for each other in spite of repeated warnings from Angela. Everyone here is trying to straighten out their lives by doing what they always wanted to do. The story, needless to say, is slow and the plot gets a bit too long. A cut-short and a more engaging storyline would have improved the movie to a great extent. That said, the movie is definitely watchable and selective performances are fabulous. A nice family drama, which probably needs a few more fireworks.
Thumbs up: Nice performances, good attempt with the plot
Thumbs down: Long and slow
Rating: 7.5/10