Starring: Amanda Peet, Ashton Kutcher, Kathyrn Hahn
Many people, including me, are firmly of the belief that romance-comedies are simply for the fairer sex and can either be too boring or too melodramatic. Once in a while there comes a stray movie that although can be classified within the above description, its still a movie you would recommend to others to watch with all your heart. Oliver (Kutcher) is the average young man just out of college and is looking for a job to keep himself busy and earn a steady income. Emily (Peet) is the exact opposite from Oliver who adorns rocker girl clothing, has street attitude and is too in-your-face to like Oliver. Logic goes for a toss and Oliver and Emily become friends or lovers, depends in which way you look at it, but are never able to keep a steady relationship. They have random meetings and years go by without looking at each other which gives them the impression that they might be in love but again, not. It might come across as the very typical boy-meets-girl, which in fact it is, but if you put an old wine in a fabulous new crystal bottle within a handmade wooden casket and perhaps some rubies to further adorn it, it might just be appreciated. Point is that the movie is fun, its got enough light humour to keep you entertained, it doesn�t have tears streaming down the actors face the moment they depart and it has enough footage of the two just having a good time. A brilliant and smooth watch that you can kick back and enjoy and not worry about getting bored or too emotional.
Thumbs up: Smooth and entertaining
Thumbs down: It is more or less perfect the way it is but perhaps some more humour never did anyone harm
Rating: 7.4/10