
Starring: Jeremy Renner, Anthony Mackie, Brian Geragthy
Baghdad, Iraq, the US Army has infiltrated the middle-east country to search for its dictator, Saddam Hussain. The Explosive Ordnance Unit (EOD) of the US Army is responsible for patrolling the streets and diffusing any bomb they come across. The Bravo company of the EOD is comprised of SSG William James (Renner), Sgt. JT Sanborn (Mackie) and Spc. Owen Eldridge (Gergathy). William James has been transferred into this unit as the bomb diffuser expert and is replacing the earlier expert who got killed by a bomb explosion. Sanborn and Eldridge are not comfortable with James' method of diffusing a bomb. Safety is the last thing on his agenda and his adrenaline-rushing tactics often prove to be dangerous for his team-mates. The movie has no real plot and simply describes the day-to-day activities of the Bravo company. The story was put together by a freelance writer who travelled with various EOD squads and created his experiences into a fictional movie. The movie is not the typical American war movie with an action-hero playing the role of the soldier who saves the day. It does, however, show American dominance and forcefulness in the country and the not so tolerant and innocent natives who oppress the American infiltration. The movie seems to have been made not for entertainment purposes but in order to win a bagful of awards.
Thumbs up: Depiction of Iraq
Thumbs down: Love it or hate it plot
Rating: 7.5/10