
Genre: Action/Science-fiction
Starring: Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen, Famke Janssen, James Marsden, Halle Berry, Anna Paquin, Tyler Mane, Ray Park, Rebecca Romijn
Mankind has always known to evolve and adapt within his environment. Humans are due for another evolution which slowly starts taking place. A handful of people from around the world are experiencing a mutation in their genes which gives them special powers, each person having something different. The mutants are divided in two groups, the more peaceful one headed by Professor Xavier (Stewart) who believes in teaching mutants how to control their power and make it more useful as opposed to another force headed by Magneto (McKellan) who believe in taking a more aggressive stand against normal humans. The US government wishes to impose a new act which would force mutants to come under control. Magneto has developed a device which would convert normal humans into mutants which he wishes to use against the world. Xavier has a new recruit known as Wolverine aka Logan (Jackman) who has an alloy made skeletal system with sharp extended claws. He, along with the other X-Men need to destroy Magneto's device before he can unleash it on the world. The movie's plot is like any other super-hero story of saving the world and doesn't harp of anything new. Yet, in spite of this the movie does a lot to hold interest and makes it worth a watch. The initial few moments are boring and lack interest but the movie finally picks up pace to end at a high note.
Thumbs up: Interesting characters
Thumbs down: Slow and boring beginning
Rating: 6.7/10
Starring: Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen, Famke Janssen, James Marsden, Halle Berry, Anna Paquin, Tyler Mane, Ray Park, Rebecca Romijn
Mankind has always known to evolve and adapt within his environment. Humans are due for another evolution which slowly starts taking place. A handful of people from around the world are experiencing a mutation in their genes which gives them special powers, each person having something different. The mutants are divided in two groups, the more peaceful one headed by Professor Xavier (Stewart) who believes in teaching mutants how to control their power and make it more useful as opposed to another force headed by Magneto (McKellan) who believe in taking a more aggressive stand against normal humans. The US government wishes to impose a new act which would force mutants to come under control. Magneto has developed a device which would convert normal humans into mutants which he wishes to use against the world. Xavier has a new recruit known as Wolverine aka Logan (Jackman) who has an alloy made skeletal system with sharp extended claws. He, along with the other X-Men need to destroy Magneto's device before he can unleash it on the world. The movie's plot is like any other super-hero story of saving the world and doesn't harp of anything new. Yet, in spite of this the movie does a lot to hold interest and makes it worth a watch. The initial few moments are boring and lack interest but the movie finally picks up pace to end at a high note.
Thumbs up: Interesting characters
Thumbs down: Slow and boring beginning
Rating: 6.7/10