
Genre: Crime/Myster/Drama/Thriller
Starring: Sarah Laine, Dina Meyer, Sandra McCoy, Linden Ashby, Michael Mantell, Brad Johnson
What is the point in making three movies, near identical to each other? The third installment of Wild Things, is an amalgamation of the earlier two parts to create an equally boring third one. Marie Clifton (Laine) along with her step-father Jay (Johnson) have inherited a pair of priceless diamonds from Marie's deceased mother. They both cant do anything to the diamond until either one of them permits the other to do so or one of them dies. Marie's classmate Elena (McCoy) accuses Jay of rape and sends him to prison. Unkown the Jay, Marie and Elena have hatched the plan together and blackmail Jay to hand over the diamonds to Marie or spend the rest of his life in jail. Detective Morisson (Ashby) and his assistant Kristin (Meyer) dont buy the story and try digging deeper. There is no point in watching the movie if you have seen the previous two stories, however, the movie is not an all together replica with the climax scene being a tad different but not altogether a whole new plot. The movie still oozes of sex with Sarah Laine wearing close to nothing throughout the movie.
Thumbs up: Slightly different plot from previous movies
Thumbs down: Still a long way to go
Rating: 5.5/10
Starring: Sarah Laine, Dina Meyer, Sandra McCoy, Linden Ashby, Michael Mantell, Brad Johnson
What is the point in making three movies, near identical to each other? The third installment of Wild Things, is an amalgamation of the earlier two parts to create an equally boring third one. Marie Clifton (Laine) along with her step-father Jay (Johnson) have inherited a pair of priceless diamonds from Marie's deceased mother. They both cant do anything to the diamond until either one of them permits the other to do so or one of them dies. Marie's classmate Elena (McCoy) accuses Jay of rape and sends him to prison. Unkown the Jay, Marie and Elena have hatched the plan together and blackmail Jay to hand over the diamonds to Marie or spend the rest of his life in jail. Detective Morisson (Ashby) and his assistant Kristin (Meyer) dont buy the story and try digging deeper. There is no point in watching the movie if you have seen the previous two stories, however, the movie is not an all together replica with the climax scene being a tad different but not altogether a whole new plot. The movie still oozes of sex with Sarah Laine wearing close to nothing throughout the movie.
Thumbs up: Slightly different plot from previous movies
Thumbs down: Still a long way to go
Rating: 5.5/10